
Manuscript of AmanoΨ in Chinese

Due to time constraints, only is the manuscript placed here. Please look forward to the completion of the explanatory document. First word Phonemes and Numerals 词根表 Idioms and Address Forms Linguistic Rules of AmanoΨ Transliteration Comparison Table of Proper Nouns between Chinese and AmanoΨ

My Original Characters

 He was made to be the angel of the world. 「カルクルちゃんは生まれつき世界のアンエジルた。」    START   

Diagrams of Relationship

Characters graph TD dad[[Jin Chengmin]]:::jp-->hy mum((Seiko Amano)):::jp-->hy((" ")):::hybrid hy---->hero[[Karlukle Amano]]:::herojp hy---->brother[[Hunosuke Amano]]:::jp hy---->sister((Mirai Amano)):::jp brother-.-.r1(elder-younger brothers):::cont hero-.-.r1 hero-.-.r2 sister-.-.r2(elder brother - younger sister):::cont classDef hybrid fill:#C1DBDA classDef herojp fill:#FAE78A classDef cont font-weight:700,stroke-dasharray: 5 5,stroke-width:0px,fill:#f0f0f0 click dad "/en/docs/myoc/characters/#chengmin" click mum "/en/docs/myoc/characters/#seiko" click hero "/en/docs/myoc/characters/#karlukle" click brother "/en/docs/myoc/characters/#hunosuke" click sister "/en/docs/myoc/characters/#mirai" graph TD subgraph Legends dad(" ")-->hy((" ")) mum(" ")-->hy:::hybrid hy--" "-->he(" ") hy--Matchmaking and Childbirth Symbol-->brother(" ") hy--" "-->sister(" ") lg1[[Male]]-.-.r

character introduction

Karlukle Amano ♂ 天野 ( アマノ )     カルクル   Amano             Karlukle   The main character of the story, an 8-year-old second grade student in the elementary school division of an international school. Although originally from Saitama, Tokyo, he moved to Zhongshan District in Dalian with his parents and brother at the age of 6. At 7 years old, he unintentionally entered the Leaf World in a dream and became a *tai*, then transformed into an EL traveler after withstanding the *Heavenly

Interpretation of concepts

Earthly World The world we live in. Mankind’s Motosoul Moto is a Japanese word that means original.Mankind’s Motosoul is the original soul of a person. Sufaddition of Motosoul When two Owners of Mankind’s’s True Soul are subjected to the Heavenly Torture, due to the fact that two EL Travellers cannot exist simultaneously, the pain is halved. The first to arrive will successfully become an EL Traveller, with double the spiritual energy bonus, while the other’s soul will be shattered. Leaf World Parallel worlds in the fourth dimension.

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Dalian ∩ Japan

描述: The historical intersection between Dalian and Japan is recorded here. Read page 1: The Evolution of Place Names in Dalian >

The Evolution of Place Names in Dalian

Current Names During the Japanese Occupation Current Names During the Japanese Occupation Current Names During the Japanese Occupation 中山广场 大広場1 人民广场 長者広場 港湾广场 東広場 二七广场 千代田広場 三八广场 朝日広場 五四广场 黄金広場 友好广场 西広場 民主广场 敷島広場 解放广场

Dalian-born Japanese Celebrities

Celebries Identities 荒木とよひさ 作词家 3代目桂⽶朝 落语家1 遠藤周作 作家 山田洋次 电影导演 神田山陽(二代目2) 讲谈师 寺島アキ子 编剧 清岡卓⾏ 作家 関喜誉仁 电影导演、编剧 ⼤来佐武郎 政治家、原外务大

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Here is placed some useful tools. Welcome to use! The 1st tool: China Administrative Division Data Query Tool >

China Administrative Division Data Query Tool

This is a tool used to query the relevant content of China’s administrative divisions. In addition, the ID card number resolution tool is built-in. Entrance Click to enter the China Administrative Division Data Query Tool Tool URL: (Copy) If you encounter problems in the use process, please ask questions in the comment area!

Chinese Kinship Calculator

This is a tool that can flexibly calculate the kinship between Chinese relatives, very practical. Entrance Click here to enter the Chinese Kinship Calculator Tool URL: (Copy) If you encounter problems in the use process, please ask questions in the comment area!

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