China's Administrative Division DataTools

There are 34 provincial administrative regions in China,including 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions、 4 municipalities directly under the Central Government and 2 special administrative regions.

Among them, There are - prefecture-level cities, - districts, - autonomous prefectures and - leagues in prefecture-level administrative regions in the mainland.

There are - municipal districts, - county-level cities, - counties, - autonomous counties, - banners, - autonomous areas, - special regions and - forest areas in county-level administrative regions.

Query of Administrative Division History

ID Card Number Resolution

Administrative Division is the division of land, political and administrative power implemented by the country for hierarchical management. Generally speaking, administrative divisions are marked by the establishment of different levels of political power institutions in different regions in order to fully realize the smooth realization of various functions of local state institutions. The level of administrative division is related to the central and local relationship model of a country, the size of the land area, the relationship between the government and the public, and other factors.

The administrative division code, also known as the administrative code, is the identification symbol of the national administrative organ. Generally, two national standards are implemented: the Administrative Division Code of the People's Republic of China (GB/T2260-2007) and the Rules for the Preparation of Administrative Division Codes Below the County (GB/T10114-2003). It is composed of 9 Arabic digits, which is equivalent to the identity number of the organization. According to the Regulations on the Administration of Administrative Divisions of the State Council, the code of administrative divisions shall be determined and issued by the civil affairs department. This standard specifies the codes of administrative divisions above the county level in China. Six Arabic numerals are used to represent the names of provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government), regions (cities, prefectures, alliances), and counties (districts, cities, and banners) in China. The code means:

The first and second digits refer to provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and special administrative regions).

The third and fourth digits refer to the city (the summary code of the municipal districts and counties under the jurisdiction of the region, autonomous prefecture, league and national municipality directly under the Central Government). Where, 01-20 and 51-70 refer to provinces and municipalities directly under the Central Government; 21-50 refers to the region (autonomous prefecture, league).

The fifth and sixth places refer to counties (municipal districts, county-level cities and banners). 01-20 refers to county-level cities under the jurisdiction of municipal districts or regions (autonomous prefectures, alliances); 21-70 means county (flag); 81-99 refers to provincial and county-level cities; 71-80 refers to industrial park or economic development zone.

Copyright © 2023 Jin Shenghao

To ensure the faithfulness of the content, the toponym in this tool is in Chinese.